Frequently Asked Questions

Concerned Email address and Contact details

At the Apple International School (AIS), we follow Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS ) curriculum in FS1 and FS2. The school’s curriculum is enriched to accommodate and celebrate the diversity of our school’s student community. AIS’s teaching-learning activities facilitate the students to become resilient, capable life-long learners and responsible world citizens.

According to the KHDA guideline, for the academic year 2020-2021, a child aged between 3 to 4 year by December 31, 2020 will be placed in FS1. Similarly, a child aged between 4 to 5 year by December 31, 2020 will be placed in FS2. You may contact the schools’ registration team at for further assistance on this.

Apple International School runs two sessions of FS classes. These are 1st Session/Morning Session which runs from 07:45 am to 11:30 am- and 2nd Session/Afternoon Session – which runs from 11:50 am to 03:30 pm.

Please follow the link for the school fee structure Fees Structure – The Apple International School 

At AIS we welcome children with a range of learning preferences, including students of determination and/or gifted and talented. We are committed to educate all students in a common learning environment enabling them to realize their potential and beyond. The school has a very committed inclusion team. AIS holds the ethos of inclusion sincerely.

The school provides outsourced school transport. STS is the officially authorized company by the school to provide transportation for its student body. It operates the buses in compliance with the guidelines of regulatory authorities. All students on the school bus can be tracked in real-time by their parents. Please follow the link for further information on available routes and destination. ( .

For Admission-related queries Registrar –

For Accounts related queries Accounts –

For Transport related queries –

For general inquiries –

The Admin Manager can be reached at to follow up on any matter.